Lime Control

Lime Application

Danger Zone:
When the soil pH drops below 6.0, a number of nutrients, necessary for proper growth becomes less available for use by the grass plant. These nutrients include the following: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, calcium, magnesium, and molybdenum. As these nutrients become less available, the lawn’s color, vigor, and ability to resist (or recover from) heat, drought, or traffic stress will be reduced. On top of all that, it creates moss.
Lime to the Rescue:
Adjustments of the soil pH made by a lawn care technician are important, because variations from accepted levels make nutrients less available to your turfgrass. This treatment is a granular application, and is recommened for home owners close to heavily wooded areas. Although lime can be applied effectively at any time of the year, the best results come from lime applications made in the fall. Rain, snow, and heaving of the ground in winter help to move the lime into your soil.

Hire a professional:
If your lawn care specialist determines that your soil requires more limestone than can be applied in a single application, lime will be applied semi-annually until the result you desire is achieved. In new lawn care or a new seeding, all of the lime may be applied to your lawn before planting. Your lawn care technician will make sure the lime is tilled thoroughly into the soil.